These photos are from my most recent visit to RW Genetics. Rick and his crew have a great set of pigs they are getting ready to offers for sale, the Triple Bar 7’s, Bottom’s Up, 8-Ball’s and Epic’s looked great. Thanks guy’s for taking the time to show me around.
This guy looked great! He is a Full Shift and out of the same dam as Problem Solver. It is hard to make a boar with a better hip and rear leg. Study how square he is underneath.141-7 is an April 17, he is sire by Rick’s new herd boar Logic and is out of a Turn it Up sow. I think this guy has a bright future a head of him! You couldn’t put a better skeleton in a young hog. This guy floats around the pen. His hip and rear wheels are great.
The 77-2 crossbred gilt is truly something special! She is a Triple Bar 7 out of Epic’s and Super Freaks mother. She is powerful from every angle, combine this with tones of body and a extreme correct skeleton, she could be deadly when all the dust settles.