Siblings living at the same address can be listed on the same pedigree as the breeder and owner and qualify for the Bred and Owned division
The owner number and breeder number must be identical to qualify for the Bred and Owned division.
Exhibitor must have owned the dam at time of breeding.
If more than one member is listed on a pedigree, a family certification form must be completed. This form can be found on the NSR website.
Family certification forms must be submitted to the NSR office 10 business days prior to the first show exhibitors plan to participate in the Bred and Owned program.
To enter for the Bred and Owned division, you must have the animal’s registration number as well as the breeder’s owner number.
Entries for the Bred and Owned division will be done at time of show entry. Bred and Owned entries will not be accepted at the show.
Examples of an acceptable Bred and Owned farm names listed on the pedigree:
Breeder: Owner: Jack Smith Jack Smith West Lafayette, IN West Lafayette, IN
Breeder: Owner: Jack & Jill Smith Jack & Jill Smith West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN
Breeder: Owner: Pig Farms Pig Farms Joe and Tom Joe and Tom West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN *Any pedigree with multiple names listed and no family certification form completed prior to the event, will not qualify for the Bred and Owned Program
If a gilt does not place in the top 10 of its class, it will not be allowed to return for the Bred and Owned drive for its respective breed.
DNA testing will be done on the Champion and Reserve Champion Bred and Owned winners
The Champion and Reserve Champion Bred and Owned gilt in each breed show will receive special premiums. This selection will be made by the gilt show judge.
Premiums for the Bred and Owned division will be $500 for Champions at national shows (The Exposition Junior National and National Junior Summer Spectacular) and $250 for Reserve Champions at national shows (The Exposition Junior National and National Junior Summer Spectacular) and $250 for Champions at regional shows (Southwest, Eastern, Southeast and Western Regional) and $100 for Reserve Champions at regional shows (Southwest, Eastern, Southeast and Western Regional).