2011 NJSS Judging contest
Novice Division
1. Nalaney Guyer
2. Dustin Winner
3. Chloe O’Neal
4. John Smock
5. Madilyn Malcolm
6. Lizzie Schafer
7. Michaela Marion
8. Morgan VanMeter
9. Savannah Page
10. Gracee Beth Stewart
Novice Team Results
1. The Unpredictables – Nalaney Guyer, Chloe O’Neal, Allison Wheeler and Olivia Caldwell
2. I-70 Split – Lizzie Schafer, Parker Meads, Zander Ivey and Kayla Baker
3. Rock and Roll – Morgan VanMeter, Anna Hammon, Leah Willison and Ella Bobell
4. Three Guys and a Girl – Justin Michael, Jackson Sterle, Owen Bozeboom and Morgan Michael
5. Three Girls and a Guy – Makenzie O’Neal, Brody Nemecek, Ashtyn Harvey and Liza Klingenburg
6. CSDG – The Youngins – Savannah Page, Chasten McConn, Dawson Osborn and Gabe Hodges
7. The Little Rascals – Madilyn Malcolm, Bailey Taylor, Makenna Malcolm
8. BW3 – Dustin Winner, Riley Wendt, Case Bartin and Ethan Wendt
9. Pretty Pink Princesses – Michaela Marion, Emma Chambers and Karlie Marion
10. The Wizards – Marley Thorton, Jarrett Winner, Allison Stoner and Landry Miller
Junior Individuals
1. Adrian Austin
2. Alida Jackson
3. Tyler Hannon
4. Cailyn Hines
5. Robby Sheets
6. Lea Kimley
7. Megan Marion
8. Dylan Cain
9. Jada Johnson
10. Jaxson Parmley
Junior Team
1. Big Ten Team – Adrian Austin, Cailyn Hines, Jada Johnson and Eric Schafer
2. Allstars – Robby Sheets, Auburn Harvey, Megan Mench and Nikki Stephenson
3. Ringleaders – Skylar Knapp, Tyla Voight, Peyton Wininger and Connor Bowlin
4. Evil Divas – Maddie Fugate, Madison Cook, Brandon Stickler and Jenna Wheeler
5. The Show Girls – Keri Landry, Ashtin Guyer, Kaylah Bolender and Hope Flashpohler
6. Tight Rope Walkers – Gracie Flashpohler, Macy Mead and Hallie Landry
7. Mongoose – Abi Bartholomew, Kelton Rozeboom, Jacob Sterle and Cheyenne Wells
8. Gypsys – Tyler Hannon, Aaron Willison and Syndey VanMeeter
9. Ohio Girls – Lea Kimley, Kartee Banks, Brodi Voight and Natalie Vargo
10. The Other Guys – Dylan Cain, Ryan Michael, Kylar Brady and Kayden Brady
Intermediate Individuals
1. Amy Loschen
2. Natalie Hoffschulte
3. Kane Austin
4. Ben Sheldon
5. Jackson Johnson
6. Trey Fecke
7. Tyler Gradert
8. Caitlyn Bouyer
9. Jayde Sills
10. Timothy Hubbard
Intermediate Teams
1. Welcome to the Big Show – Natalie Hoffschulte, Kane Austin, Trey Fecke, Tyler Gradert
2. The Illinios People – Amy Loschen, Caitlyn Bouyer, Austin Hyett and Cara Bouyer
3. Indiana Girls – Morgan Mench, Maddi Butler, Kassy Pierce and Mallory Butler
4. The Ringleaders – Lane Honegger, Maddie Caldwell, Christine Todd and Devin Ammann
5. Youngs and Rulon – Daniel Young, Kathleen Rulon and L.J. Young
6. Three Guys and a Chick – Jackson Johnson, Austin Joostberns, Morgan Kennedy and Thomas Tro
7. Ohio Boys – Gus Mitchem, Daniel Moore, Cole Riddle and Cole Reveal
8. PADEOH – Kayla Clyburn, Mindy Cook, Taylor Conley and Cody Clyburn
9. J.A.K. Girls – Jayde Sills, Abby Taylor and Kaila Taylor
10. Team Kansas – Beth Hodges, Shelby Holmes, Austin Holmes and Blake Holmes
Senior Individuals
1. Maverick Squires
2. Tegan Simmons
3. Chris Hofschulte
4. John Hines
5. Emily Arkfeld
6. Blake Davis
7. Cheyenne Wiley
8. Sarah Hardman
9. Tyler Loschen
10. David Ammann
Senior Teams
1. Team Baxter – Tegan Simmons, Chris Hofschulte, Breanna Lawyer and Brennen North
2. Team 5-Arkfeld – Maverick Squires, Emily Arkfeld and Cheyenne Wiley
3. <
/span>Illinois Elite – Sarah Hardman, Tyler Loschen, David Ammann and Daniel Ammann
4. Ohio – John Hines, Tonya Fender, Heather Storer and Ryan Riddle
5. Miami Trace FFA – Colt Penwell, Joel Crosley, Austin Chester and Jamie Payton
6. Tree Shakas! – Caitlin Walton, Ethan Boudreaux and Olivia Picard