Whew, we survived an exciting and busy week at Expo. One of my favorite aspects of my job is seeing the high quality animals that are exhibited at our shows and sales.
As producers, I know you guys are constantly striving to raise the next “great one.” So this month in Stock Marketing, I’m going to share a few quick tricks you can use to promote your entries for the summer sales, shows and conferences.
- Get a good picture. A picture is worth a thousand words, so if you want potential buyers to get excited about your entry – snap a good picture. Sure, you can tell people it’s a “great one,” but often, seeing is believing. Such was the case in Duncan last year when Bruce and Jenny Kaufman of Kaufman Showpigs, Crawfordsville, Iowa, got a great shot of their Hillbilly Bone son. His picture drew the interest of Prairie State Semen Supply, who purchased their boar called Billy Bob. The same picture that Bruce and Jenny took is now on the cover of the PSSS Spring catalog.
- Take to the world-wide web. Once you’ve got your picture, post it to your website. (While you’re at it, check out some quick web tips from last month.) Be sure to include which show or sale the animal will be consigned to, as well as the dates. If you don’t have a website – or if you would like some added publicity – leverage your connections in the industry by posting the pictures to your Facebook page, blog or Twitter.
- Call your fieldman.NSR fieldmen like to get out and see good pigs. If you think you have a good entry, give them a call, and see if they have time to swing by.
- Don’t cry wolf.The seedstock industry is built on trust, so before you tell everyone that you have the next “great one,” take a step back and really evaluate your animal. Note their strengths AND weaknesses, and give potential buyers an accurate description of your entry. The most common mistake is over-promoting an animal that can’t live up to the hype.

I can’t wait to see what everyone brings to Louisville, and remember – if you buy or sell a good one, give us a call at Seedstock EDGE to put your breeding piece in print. Next month in Stock Marketing, I will be sharing some tips on making great ads – just in time for the September Showpig Issue.
See you this summer!