A minimum of 60% of the number of each sex (boars and gilts) shown will be selected for the sale. These animals will be selected with no set number selling from any single class. Animals not selected for the sale can be consigned to the sale for an additional fee of $20 per head; this must be done by the conclusion of the show. If the animal sells, the fee will be applied toward the sale commission. If the animal does not sell, the fee is forfeited.
All animals selected and cataloged for the sale MUST go through the auction. Sale commission will be 15% for all animals. If an animal that is selected and cataloged for sale does not go through the sale ring, the exhibitor will be banned from exhibiting at NSR events for one year and will be charged 15% of the average selling price of their respective breed sale. This amount must be paid before reinstatement will be allowed. The exception to this rule will be if an animal has become injured or ill and is inspected by an NSR staff member prior to the sale.
The NSR acts only as the agent between buyer and seller. If proper payment is made by the buyer in a timely manner the NSR will make settlement with the seller in approximately 30 days after the sale.